In this update, we've addressed various bugs and improved several features across the platform.
¶ Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Update direction colors in Results widget to neutral color, as to not to confuse them with vulnerability displayed by the compass [2400]
- Remove pointer cursor from the remaining card section on Hand Editor, individual card should be selected from panel at the bottom [2399]
- Implement selectors to improve the knowledge derived from opening bids. For example if a player opens 1C then bids 1S on the next round, the selector encapsulates the knowledge that the bidder has either 4 spades or at least 5 spades and more clubs than spades.
- The play bot now uses information from selectors when simulating possible hands for other players.
- Rule for redouble response to direct overcall after RHO double
- Split the rebid new suit after direct overcall rule to distinguish between when LHO doubled or not
- Redouble response to RHO takeout double requires no more than 8 cards fit in last bid suit
- We now allow to start a team match even if not all player seats are selected. We still require that the selected players are online and approved to join the match [2398]
- Fix issue where updating a tournament deletes the preset boards [2401]
- Fix issue with incorrect warning about bot selected by more than one team [2395]
- In this version, we introduce a new tournament type we call “Challenge.” See explanation in Challenges | Bridge Champ Wiki
- Invitations now expire only when the challenge is over [2404]
- When a challenge is over, the tournament is immediately complete and the rewards are distributed [2404]
- When a tournament is cancelled the rewards are not distributed [2404]
- Fix issue where number of boards is always 1 in challenge invitation popup [2419]
- Challenges menu is now updated upon any action or every 5/10 seconds [2419]
- Remove 'Declined' icon from Bot avatar [2419]
- Fix issue where accepted players are shown as rejected in Group challenge, when viewing more players [2415]
- Made the rewards more clear [2415]
- Fix issue where the timer in challenge invitation is not clear for players [2415]
- Rename 'Registration fee' and 'Rewards' to more user-friendly words [2415]
- Fix issue where clicking on the 'swords' icon on a challenge will show an error if other players did not accept the invitation yet [2415]
- Fix issue where challenges avatar above the title shows always an offline player [2415]
- Improve challenge registration fee error, when inputting 0 or less (-1, -2, etc.) [2415]
- Fix issue where 'null' player can be invited to Group challenge [2415]
- Fix issue where accepting a challenge from the notifications, while having insufficient funds, will still show successful operation [2415]
- Fix issue where you cannot start a challenge when 'fee' is set to more than 10 [2415]
- Fix issue where Group challenge will not end, if just one player declines the invitation [2409]
- Fix issues where if 1 player accepts Group challenge invitation, it will start, and if another player accepts, he will be redirected directly in the challenge. Declining with other players will display 'Invitation not found' error. Players that declined still see the challenge and can participate [2409]
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