A challenge is a simple form of tournament that any player can start and challenge any other player, a group of players, or a bot to compete by playing the same set of random boards while sitting south with three bots. Every player deposits the same amount of credits in order to play the challenge. In player and bot challenges, the winner of the challenge receives the total rewards minus a small platfrom fee. In a group challenge the reward distribution percentages are set by the challenge creator.
Challenges can be played over the course of 72 hours. Once all players finish the challenge, results are announced immediately. A player can enter, exit and continue playing the challenge at any moment during the 72 hours period. At the end of the 72 hours a player that did not play all boards is considered a losser regardsless of the achieved score in the boards he did play.
When challenging a player, the challenger selects the player to challenge, the challanged player must accept the challenge invitation in order for the challenge to start, if the challenged player rejects the invitation or does not accept it within 12 hours the challenge is cancelled.
Once a player accepted a challenege, the challenge is started for both players, and both players must complete playing all the boards within 72 hours in order to get a score.
Play does not start immediatelly after accepting the challenge, head to the challenges page to play the challenge you accepted.
As soon as both players have finished playing the challenge, the results are calculated and rewards are distributed.
A group challenge is similar to player challenge except that the challenger challenges more than one player. As soon as at least one invited player from the group accepts the challenge the challenge will start. The challenge ends when all players the accepted it has finished playing or after 72 hours.
The challenger can set the reward distribution % when opening the challenge.
A bot challenge is similar to a player challenge except that the challenged player is a bot and the challenge starts immediately without the need to wait for acceptance.