The latest update introduces a redesigned menu and Casual Tables interface, providing a more immersive and intuitive experience. Several bug fixes and improvements have also been made to enhance bot performance and game logic.
Menu and Casual Tables Design: Updated layout with left-side menu, new visual for Casual Tables, and enhanced kibitzing options. Quick filters added for table views.
Bots: Enhanced bidding bot logic, added support for negative doubles, improved claim handling, and card signaling.
Logic: Fixes for claim acceptance, explanation requests, table settings, and game results display issues.
- New Menu and Casual Tables design
The white top bar was removed and its items were moved to the left menu, we then updated the left menu and the Casual Tables list to match the overall design of the app.
Casual Tables are now displayed like real tables, with each player in its position and with colorful icons that represent some of the game settings.
Clicking on the profile picture of a player will allow you to kibitz only that player's cards.
Clicking on the eye 👁🗨 icon in the middle will allow you to kibitz the whole table.
You can join an empty seat by clicking the plus ➕ icon on the seats and you can filter All, Open and Full tables with the quick filters on top.

¶ Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements
- General fixes and improvements to the bidding bot
- Added support for negative big double and negative double responses
- During play, adjacent cards are now considered when choosing the next card to play as signal to the partner
- Claim and claim acceptance now count winner tricks of the two partners together in a single suit using an algorithm that simulates playing the cards trick by trick and checks for transfers and blocking
- Add support for claiming when the opponents lead
- If the opponents can ruff, only count in the claim the number of tricks we can take in the trump suit
- As of this version we do not accept a claim in the middle of a trick
- Accepting Claim does not close the pop-up window
- Accepting 'Explanation Request' will auto-mark the 'Alert' as silent
- Fixed incorrect message when cancelling Undo/Claim
- Fixed table settings buttons when creating a table
- Added score adjustment for table host or tournament admin
- Fixed issue with display of game results whwn some of the users were deleted
Restart the browser to load the latest version.