Our latest update introduces several new features and improvements, focusing on enhancing gameplay analysis, duplicate score comparisons, and user interface elements. These additions aim to provide a more engaging and insightful experience for players while addressing minor bugs and refining existing functionalities.
Duplicate Score Comparison: Compare results of up to 16 plays for each board from the "My Results" page.
Play Analysis: Access trick rankings and analysis directly from the results page.
Favorite Board Replay: Mark and replay favorite boards from "My Results" or "History", assignable via the "Deal Source".
Bots: Improved bidding logic, suit selection, and notrump handling.
UI: Enhanced bid analysis, fixed column order, improved invitations, and better handling of browser refreshes.
Tournaments: Admin view demo available.
- Duplicate score comparison enabled from the results page
Each board is played up to 16 times by different players when using the same scoring method, dealer, and vulnerability, board results are compared in the table listed below the results page. Clicking a board on the "My Results" page will display the duplicate game results for that board.

- Play analysis is now available from the results page
Click the "Show Analysis" box to display trick ranking for each possible play and for the trick cards.

- Favorite board replay is supported from the deal source
You can mark a board as favorite from the "My Results" dialog or from the "History" dialog (left side of the dashboard). After opening a new table, from the "Deal Source" on the left assign the board to be played to the table's deal queue.

¶ Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements
- Add/correct rules for rebid after waiting 2D
- Treat suit bid of opponent's long suit after Michaels cuebid as cuebid
- Prefer bidding new major suit over a cuebid to show support for minors
- Reduce min hcp range for bidding gossip to 4 hcp
- Refine the responder cuebid to opponent overcall and min raise response rules
- Forced suited to play bid won't update the hcp count when processed from history
- Improvements to unusual notrump, notrump response to takeout double, notrump jump over minor
- When escaping to a suit, always choose the suit with the best fit
- Improve slam bid explanations
- Favorite board replay is available from the deal source
- Improve bid Analysis dialogs
- Column order is fixed in hand editor widget and iny bidding table
- Player invitation message has been improved
- Pressing the back or refresh browser buttons during a game displays a confirmation message
- Refreshing the browser when declarer and dummy were switched now works correctly
- Tournament admin view is ready for demo
Restart the browser to load the latest version.