To check the results of a team match on Bridge Champ, follow the steps below to view detailed match results.
Navigate to the Tournaments page, which you can access from the left-side menu.
Find the specific Team Match you want to review and click on it to open the results page.
The first results you will see are the general results per Team, listing Teams and their scores in VPs, BAM, and PTN formats. Use the round selector to filter the results by round.
Clicking on a Team will show the results of each round for that specific Team.
Clicking on any round will open the detailed results view for that specific round, showing all the deals played, players’ names, the winning contract, and IMPs earned.
Clicking on any deal will open the specific results for that deal, showing all the cards played, the bidding stage, and game analysis tools.
On the general results page, you can also view the results per pair and per single player by clicking on the respective links.
Thanks for watching. Enjoy playing bridge on Bridge Champ!